Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This morning was really hard to get up, 5 o'clock!! like it's not fun at all. Once i turn on my computer everything changed, destiny you know? after a couple of months i finally coincide with my two best friends in msn. Oh boy how i miss those girls!! hehe, as always something new to tell but finally things never change I mean Ana Sofia totally drunk and pucking the other day in a very famous familiar restaurant in the center of Mexico! and Cyn totally wasted as well with your peculiar crew hehehe. Seriously girls almost one year and things still the same??!!!
It was great talking to them, they remind me what is was to be home, even though i totally don't want to go back but on the other side it felt confortable I can't tell I'm looking forward to it but it's ok. It was also amaizing how even if time passes they still know me at all by just making some comments they knew exactly what is going on in my head and in my heart, that's real friendship. I love you girls for ever and ever and ever (like i feel so lesbo right now hehehe bitchhhh, pussyyy see you soon!!!)

EveRyThiNg iN TiMe

Everything always in time will come

Is it wrong holding on
To my best friend my faded lover?
Who knows?

Coincidence or fate
Running towards what is meant to be


Everything always in time will show
Then we will know, it will show
Everthing always in time will come
And I believe for everything there is a reason
And everything always in time will...

Everything I do
Everything is you

Monday, November 06, 2006

RighT heRe, RighT NoW

Life has its funny ways to cross people's rodes. This works in different ways, meeting someone for just a moment, days, months or even years but finally it comes and go. It's less than two months what I have left here in Sweden, and even if its still a "long" time in here I have been reflecting about all the learnings i have had this year. The experiences that have fullfill my expectations of life and the people that have come into my life just being themselves, being so real that it's hard to explain my affection to them.
I've been flattered by some sayings about me and betrayed by some others but finally what I keep in my heart are the things that come from the ones I consider my friends the ones i truly love and these people, no matter how far or close I am from them, will be in heart and in my thoughts forever.
And even if forever seems to be too long I truly believe that love is the only thing that can reach that "foreverness" for the rest of what life conserns... It's just a stolen season.

The aNsWeR

This weekend was full of reflexions combined with adventures. I had the chance to take with a friend 48 international students to Stockholm. It was really fun and I guess they had a good time as well. It happened to me a great thing which was to meet my sister on saturday with one of her babies, we went to have a nice chocolate and we chat per hours! After everything we talk about I just want to tell her that yes! i do believe it and i'll keep it real. And this is for her:

"I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all. No... not the artful postures of love, not playful and poetical games of love for the amusement of an evening, but love that... over-throws life. Unbiddable, ungovernable - like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. Love - like there has never been in a play..."

P.S. sorry for the ones who are reading this and of course don't understand it, i'm not weird i promise ;)