Friday, December 15, 2006

TäNkeR meD CyN

...remember that day? exactly one year ago!!. What a pic...

Yesterday night while I was getting ready to go out Cyn got online, as always it's great to find one of the memebers of "Rebelde" online hehe. We were talking about some normal stuff when suddenly she said: "we need to talk, I've been thinking about how everything goes away from my life" which made me think that I totally feel the same. Then it became a conversation of how we manage the things and people that come and go into our lives and that's reality, we get bored really fast of boys, we have friends and suddenly life takes them away from us, we finally feel good in one place and we need to leave!
So it is hard for us to accept why does everything move this way but finally we truly believe that things happen for a reason and we are getting ready for something bigger. This doesn't mean that we will forget all the people that have crossed our lives but we think they come and go because we have to learn form them and they from us and it hurts to be taken away from who we love. But at the same time this makes us stronger and one day we'll find out why is this happening. As I wrote the other day about my feelings leaving Sweden and how I think fate works for me I believe it takes me exactly to this point but now it feels better to know one of my best friends feel the same.
We like to live everything with a lot of passion without thinking of how long it will last and we think that if we succede on sharing this way of living to the ones we meet in our way then we can keep all the feelings and emotions inside us to have the strenght to keep on walking. Luv ya cyn...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

SoOneR oR LaTeR

This morning i woke up feeling a huge hole in my stomach. Its hard to think that there are only 2 weeks left until i go to Mexico and one week for my family to come. I can't even think about waking up in my bed in Mexico, looking around me and don't find my youngest roommate sleeping in my couch or waking me up around 8 o'clock because she can't sleep anymore or stay up until 4 in the morning because either Susanne, Emma or Terhi have something to tell me or talk about or only staying awake laughing about stupid things that happen in the house.
Living in Sweden has been one of the best experiences of my life, I grew up very much in many aspects opening my eyes to how the world work in a rich country like this. The contrast between the swedes and mexicans was a real shock just to understand the way they see the world from their point of view and accept it making my dreams and plans stronger.
This week I need to start packing all my stuff, split what stays and what i take with me, not easy at all but it feels like somebody is holding my hands and not letting me do anything about it and what is holding me is my university in Mexico. Yes! i have to go back and finish otherwise i wouldn't be writing this and instead i would be planning where to get drunk in Christmas and New Year but unfortunately life wanted it this way. I accept my destiny and i know sometimes is hard to understand why does life act this way but i know that its always for something better and i totally know i'm coming back so i just have to wait.
For all the people i met during this year, my friends I want to thankyou for everything you've made of me. I leave Sweden with many experiences, feelings and 10 kilos more (hehe sad but true). I'll keep you in my heart and best memories FOREVER hopping to see you again soon either here or in Mexico!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This morning was really hard to get up, 5 o'clock!! like it's not fun at all. Once i turn on my computer everything changed, destiny you know? after a couple of months i finally coincide with my two best friends in msn. Oh boy how i miss those girls!! hehe, as always something new to tell but finally things never change I mean Ana Sofia totally drunk and pucking the other day in a very famous familiar restaurant in the center of Mexico! and Cyn totally wasted as well with your peculiar crew hehehe. Seriously girls almost one year and things still the same??!!!
It was great talking to them, they remind me what is was to be home, even though i totally don't want to go back but on the other side it felt confortable I can't tell I'm looking forward to it but it's ok. It was also amaizing how even if time passes they still know me at all by just making some comments they knew exactly what is going on in my head and in my heart, that's real friendship. I love you girls for ever and ever and ever (like i feel so lesbo right now hehehe bitchhhh, pussyyy see you soon!!!)

EveRyThiNg iN TiMe

Everything always in time will come

Is it wrong holding on
To my best friend my faded lover?
Who knows?

Coincidence or fate
Running towards what is meant to be


Everything always in time will show
Then we will know, it will show
Everthing always in time will come
And I believe for everything there is a reason
And everything always in time will...

Everything I do
Everything is you

Monday, November 06, 2006

RighT heRe, RighT NoW

Life has its funny ways to cross people's rodes. This works in different ways, meeting someone for just a moment, days, months or even years but finally it comes and go. It's less than two months what I have left here in Sweden, and even if its still a "long" time in here I have been reflecting about all the learnings i have had this year. The experiences that have fullfill my expectations of life and the people that have come into my life just being themselves, being so real that it's hard to explain my affection to them.
I've been flattered by some sayings about me and betrayed by some others but finally what I keep in my heart are the things that come from the ones I consider my friends the ones i truly love and these people, no matter how far or close I am from them, will be in heart and in my thoughts forever.
And even if forever seems to be too long I truly believe that love is the only thing that can reach that "foreverness" for the rest of what life conserns... It's just a stolen season.

The aNsWeR

This weekend was full of reflexions combined with adventures. I had the chance to take with a friend 48 international students to Stockholm. It was really fun and I guess they had a good time as well. It happened to me a great thing which was to meet my sister on saturday with one of her babies, we went to have a nice chocolate and we chat per hours! After everything we talk about I just want to tell her that yes! i do believe it and i'll keep it real. And this is for her:

"I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all. No... not the artful postures of love, not playful and poetical games of love for the amusement of an evening, but love that... over-throws life. Unbiddable, ungovernable - like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. Love - like there has never been in a play..."

P.S. sorry for the ones who are reading this and of course don't understand it, i'm not weird i promise ;)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

OnlY in SweDeN

Like you are not going to believe what happened to me today. Las friday I went with Dytte to have lunch, well it was great but that's another story hehe. The thing is i brought my bike to school and we decided to go to Claras and afterwards to take a walk so I left my bike there that night and saturday's night and tonight (sunday) I was suppose to go to a friend's house by bike and I realized i didn't have my bike. So I went with one of my roommates to school to get it and my surprise was to find it with another lock.
My first reaction was like "Well, I guess somebody else is owning my bike now" but it wasn't that what happened. While continue wondering what was going on i found in the seat a pice of paper pasted with tape so I took it, opened it and found a message in swedish, luckyly my swedish roommate was with me and it said the following: " Förlåt för att vi tog din cykel. Vi har inte skadat något på den. Nyckel till låset sitter fast under sadeln." This message was written in a computer and printed out!!! I of course found the keys for the lock and my bike was in perfect conditions.
Now, how can this be true?, It's like the sweetest story ever! I'm just trying to imagine who took it and afterwards took the time to print the message and leave my bike for me again!! Only in Sweden I guess, but if somehow the responsable for this reads this, THANKYOU I really mean it, thanks for being that kind.

Friday, October 13, 2006

IT future

Technology makes us really really lazy, I mean just take a look at the compu-nerds they don't even have to move from their chair and they are creating things to make life easier. All this things about technology are good somehow, it's not that I'm against that but it's just too material!
I'm really lazy I wish I would have a robot to cook for me and wash my clothes, clean my room, etc. But at the same time it's really anoying how some people are really into all this things full of buttons. Like having a mobile that has too many things on it!! maybe it's really confortable to have internet, camera, mp3, palm and oh! you can talk with it as well, but then you have to really know how to use everything right and for me I don't think that could work that easy.
A very bad thing is the invation of privacy!! like everybody has a camera in their mobiles and wherever you can imagine, I really don't want to imagine myself in a party where I'm having a few drinks, you know with my friends, taking it easy and suddenly seeing my picture on the internet!! that is horrible! or as we saw in class the way to google the keys of your car, what is that??!!
I expect the people to continue being people and not robots, and that all this technology does not continue afecting us in a human way, I believe all this technology just make people want to consume more and more leaving aside the really important things from life.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

CraZyeSt SweDeS

This guys are awsome!!! I was totally lucky to be with them in my last class, i was always laughing with them. So for all the international girls that have asked me, where are the fun, cute swedish boys??!!! well here they are the only problem is... they are attached! but don't worry this is just an example that there are nice swedish boys. Keep on looking hehe.
P.S. Daniel you are not in the pic but OF COURSE you are included!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Long Tail

This is totally the representation of a new economic model for the media and entertainment industries as the author of the book mentions. It's very interesting to see how the market moves around the entertainment around us. There are many good movies and songs for example that are not very famous or totally hits and that's we think this ones doesn't make money. But here Chris Anderson makes us see that this is not true at all.
This is what the Long Tail is about he puts and example of the programs where you can download music, here you are able to navegate and find music related or some other conections to music from other years or some songs that were not hits and they might be good. And there is where it begins the huge business of downloading music where you don't have to skip the crappy songs from the CD and instead of that just get into your computer the ones you like the most. And it works the same with books and DVDs.
The clue for the Long Tale to work this way is based on the "three rules for the new entertainment economy":
1. Make everything avaliable.
2. Cut the price half. Now lower it.
3. Help me find it.
The advantages is to have a closer conection with the costumer and make it easier for him to consume what you are offering.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Andy's B-day

This is my best mexican friend in Sweden. On the 6th we celebrated his b-day in "the mexican" way, food, drinks, singing and dancing! The mexican girls (i can't cook) cooked 'alambre' chicken and beef with pasta and a delicious cake with rum...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

PeNnY LaNe

"I know, I know, I know
Part of me says let it go
Everything must have it seasons
Round and round it goes
And every day's a one before
But this time, this time
I'm gonna try anything that just feels better..."

Monday, October 02, 2006


LiKe ToTaLLy aWsOmE... just live!

"Triumph of the Nerds"

I hate computers, i'm sorry but its the truth. I love using some programs like final cut or photoshop but usually i suck on them sooo... This movie was interesting from the point of view of the big guys like Allan and Gates. Its amaizing how they created all this computers world and have the world in their hands. Nerds? who cares!! I mean it might not be nice being called a nerd but finally these two guys have us undercontrol.

One thing that was totally sad from my point of view is that all the compu nerds are not taking care of their selves. The crazy way they drink coke and junk food is horrible!!! they are all chobbies and they might have health problems. I know and i could see by this movie that for them is not important to look fine as someone said in there "The social life and girlfriends are just a waste of time" what??!!! Well, i guess is just another way of living right?

In a begining I wast getting a little bit confused with all the terms they used about the mocro processors or the datas and other stuff but it was really interesting to see that these people really see all this computer thing with passion and they can totally isolate from the world without caring.

I can't ask you to watch this movie because its just not like my type but if you want to see it you can have some interesting details about the computer world and how do things began before we could just talk by msn on our mobile phones.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

My PaSsiOnS, mY LiFe

Thursday, September 28, 2006


"If you want to take a chance
And try to make things right
You better have a reason to be loved
We all want something more
And it is worth fighting for..."

JuSt PaRtY

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

WaY Of LiViNg



The mexican party was a total success, as you can see everybody was completely drunk and having lots of fun! well, actually that was the point jus drink tequila until you loose hehe.