Wednesday, February 28, 2007
JusT StoP!
You know I was in my f-ing boring class of Latinamerican Literature which suppose to be fun but my teacher has the gift to make it the most horrible class ever, but between all the shit he was saying I heard this quote: "We have organized a logical existence over a well of mysteries", Maria Luisa Bombal. So this made me think that most of the people just live this way, in a logical existence and the ones who realize that there is a well of mysteries are the ones who become blurry and who feel there is always something missing!! But that sucks you know? it sucks that sometimes you look around you and there is nothing else you can ask for but somehow you don't feel complete!! So with the help of my wise friend Jesper I conclude that we should just stop and think that this life is to love and be happy, nothing else 'cause the rest is just the extra touch and if we already found out about the well of mysteries let's just find them out!!!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
CLoSiNg iT
A new stage in my life and my friend's life is closing. We conclude that it will take a while for us to find a moment of stablishment as for our plans and the way our life decides to behave seems all blurry. Not that I'm complaining and I wouldn't say my friend is but it's really hard to just close windows and keep on living hidding all those emotions and thoughts. This way of living is very interesting and rich in many aspects but it is devastating to the soul as well and more when you are very passioned to people, feelings and situations.

"All Good Things (Come To An End)"
Honestly what will become of me
don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is daily
We are what we don't see
Missed everything daydreaming
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
Traveling I only stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets it and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
Well the dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Die die die die die
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?
Well the dogs were barking at a new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day 'til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling on the clouds were dropping and
the rain forgot how to bring salvation
the dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die.
Monday, February 19, 2007
ToP 10 saTurdaY NigHt
10. PACO: "Ya se, nos quedamos en standby y en la casa ya encontramos un lugar"
9. PANCHO: "No mames no van a llegar esos weyes le dijeron a mi mama"
Vino el malvibriento?? no pero por que wey??!!
8. ESAU: "No! Japo se queda, vamonos"
Perdon Japo hihi malentendido?
7. GERARDO: " No mames estas bien rica, te quiero cochar"
A huevo sin rodeos y seguimos bailando!
6. PACO: "Oye? no mames vino Japo hace rato?"
Haha justo dos segundos despues de que partiera.
5. CYN: "No mames haha creo que sigo peda"
Domingo en la mañana.
4. MEL: "No mames no huele a nada...y no sabe a nada"
Hihi un vaso de puro tequila?? ahhh kbron.
3. PACO: " mames esa agua me alcanza para dos o tres tragos mas! Pero a ti se te hizo como la montaña rusa no?"
Junkie precioso hehe de que hablas bombon?
2. JAPO: "Mi vieja se emputo por los hielos"
Ayyyy no mames, quien se enoja por unos putos hielos weyyyy.
1. TODOS: "Y antes que pase mas, tiempo contigo amor... Porque duele, duele tanto amarte asi"
Las rolas del recuerdo.
Lamentablemente este es un top 10 sin embargo si se hiciera un recuento de la noche jamas se acabaria de enlistar, entre borrachines, bailadores y uno que otro que decide inculcar nuevas tecnicas (ejemplo: raul y su nueva forma de dormir) se creo una muy agradable noche de copas por recordar.
9. PANCHO: "No mames no van a llegar esos weyes le dijeron a mi mama"
Vino el malvibriento?? no pero por que wey??!!
8. ESAU: "No! Japo se queda, vamonos"
Perdon Japo hihi malentendido?
7. GERARDO: " No mames estas bien rica, te quiero cochar"
A huevo sin rodeos y seguimos bailando!
6. PACO: "Oye? no mames vino Japo hace rato?"
Haha justo dos segundos despues de que partiera.
5. CYN: "No mames haha creo que sigo peda"
Domingo en la mañana.
4. MEL: "No mames no huele a nada...y no sabe a nada"
Hihi un vaso de puro tequila?? ahhh kbron.
3. PACO: " mames esa agua me alcanza para dos o tres tragos mas! Pero a ti se te hizo como la montaña rusa no?"
Junkie precioso hehe de que hablas bombon?
2. JAPO: "Mi vieja se emputo por los hielos"
Ayyyy no mames, quien se enoja por unos putos hielos weyyyy.
1. TODOS: "Y antes que pase mas, tiempo contigo amor... Porque duele, duele tanto amarte asi"
Las rolas del recuerdo.
Lamentablemente este es un top 10 sin embargo si se hiciera un recuento de la noche jamas se acabaria de enlistar, entre borrachines, bailadores y uno que otro que decide inculcar nuevas tecnicas (ejemplo: raul y su nueva forma de dormir) se creo una muy agradable noche de copas por recordar.
See yOu LaTeR
Yesterday night and well this morning I said goodbye to some dearest friends. I didn't really have the chance to know them THAT well but the time I spent with them was more than enough to realize that these guys really rock. They come from the north of Mexico called Chihuahua actually the guys from the north have the reputation to be "machos" you know? and well they are sort of specialin their way of being it's like you never know what to expect from them like the way of acting or behaving but even if they are weird (hehe not reallly) I just love being with them. They are all musicians so that means that at some moment the time to play the guitars and sing came and it was wonderful but now they have to go back home to build a project hoping to come back around november. Of course very typical from me I really liked one of them, of course he has piercings, perfect nose, stylish hair, he plays the drums between other instruments and yesterday I found out he has tattoos!! But it is like this, people come and go and specially musicians you can never expect to find something serious unless you are involved in the same business hehe. Anyway, it was hard to know they are leaving but there is always hope to see them again and repeat the wonderful times we share. Gonna miss you boys!!!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
DeaReSt FrieNdS:

Everyday when I open my msn I'm always wishing to find each one of you to talk, know about you, tell you my things and remember experiences. Is like if my conection with Sweden is endless usually you go live in one place, visit another make some friends, sometimes talk to them and just keep on going with your life but somehow this time has been diferent. Many things change in life just by knowing you and it's incredible how in just one year or one semester of knowing each other we could create a really nice friendship with very honest feelings.
I have to tell you that all the words I receive from you make me fight every single day to be someone better and to see you again, specially refering to my babie rommmies and of course Jesper and Joakim. Reading in your blogs what you've written about me leaves me speachless and... well I really don't know how to express what do I feel everytime I read your words. We are always complaining about how life works but I have learned that life is full of surprises and I don't regret at all the hard times that have come to my life just to have as a reward meet you all and I can tell you now that no matter which direccion our paths take, I will always fight to keep this friendship we have built. I really love you all soooooo hard, tack så mycket forever and ever.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
TaVo & LeTy

It's been years since we met cousin but it's unbelievable that you are going to be a father soon, I'm actually pretty excited about it hehe. Isn't it funny how you never expect someone to settle down or like you have an image of the pop star covered with girls, drinking, somking touching the limits!!!! But finally there is a moment for everybody to STOP and just calm down. That's why I always recomend to do and destroy everything while you can!!! Of course being careful of getting into the bottom because there it's really hard to recover.
Congratulations for the twins that are coming!!! Luv ya always...
Chris Cornell-You Know My Name

If you take a life, do you know what you'll give
Odds are you won't like what it is
When the storm arrives
Would you be seen with me
By the merciless eyes of deceit
I've seen angels fall from blinding heights
But you yourself are nothing so divine
Just next in line
Arm yourself because no one else here will save you
The odds will betray you
And I will replace you
You can't deny the prize, it may never fulfill you
It longs to kill you
Are you willing to die
The coldness burns through my veins
You know my name
If you come inside
Things will not be the same
When you return to my eyes
And if you think you've won
You never saw me change
The game that we have been playing
I've seen this diamond cut through harder men
Than you yourself, but if you must pretend
You may meet your end
Try to hide your hand
Forget how to feel
(forget how to feel)
Life is gone, with just a spin of the wheel
(Spin of the wheel)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
KeeP On WaLkiNg
My dearest friends:
How are you all?!! I am ok. I have to confess that this last month was really hard for me and I really don't expect this one to be much better but I will try to be positive. Since I arrive to my country I have faced a lot of emotions and situations that came into my life, unfortunately not all of them good ones. It's like life is trying to make me stronger with all the bounderies I have but suddenly you find yourself completely low, I have been holding my tears all this month to overcome the hard times taking the strength I don't know from where. Sometimes I wonder if it is true that you pay all the harm that you've done but the thing is that sometimes you don't mean to hurt people so how does it work??!! Anyways I really don't want to look like a victim but just to take all this as a lesson I mean it would be really unfair if I was paying for things I didn't mean to do right? Haha like I don't even understand myself now but what I actually wanted to say with this is that I learn that there is nothing more important than friendship and my friends in here have been by my side all the time, no matter what, ones know more than others what is going on but I wouldn't have seen the light by the end of the tunnel if it wasn't for them. I wish things were other way, I wish I was still in Sweden without any worries but life is like this right? So to all of you that I consider my friends I send you all my love and please know that I will always be here for you.
CyN - Jamas lo estaria logrando si no fuera por ti, neta no words wey. Keep spinning around enjoying the smell of the woods and the water falling over you face" Las cosas mas simples de la vida son por las que vale la pena vivir...y amigas como tu.

How are you all?!! I am ok. I have to confess that this last month was really hard for me and I really don't expect this one to be much better but I will try to be positive. Since I arrive to my country I have faced a lot of emotions and situations that came into my life, unfortunately not all of them good ones. It's like life is trying to make me stronger with all the bounderies I have but suddenly you find yourself completely low, I have been holding my tears all this month to overcome the hard times taking the strength I don't know from where. Sometimes I wonder if it is true that you pay all the harm that you've done but the thing is that sometimes you don't mean to hurt people so how does it work??!! Anyways I really don't want to look like a victim but just to take all this as a lesson I mean it would be really unfair if I was paying for things I didn't mean to do right? Haha like I don't even understand myself now but what I actually wanted to say with this is that I learn that there is nothing more important than friendship and my friends in here have been by my side all the time, no matter what, ones know more than others what is going on but I wouldn't have seen the light by the end of the tunnel if it wasn't for them. I wish things were other way, I wish I was still in Sweden without any worries but life is like this right? So to all of you that I consider my friends I send you all my love and please know that I will always be here for you.
CyN - Jamas lo estaria logrando si no fuera por ti, neta no words wey. Keep spinning around enjoying the smell of the woods and the water falling over you face" Las cosas mas simples de la vida son por las que vale la pena vivir...y amigas como tu.

Monday, February 05, 2007
The 4 ChiCkS

Ser o parecer quien te imaginas
No me puede hacer la dueña de tu vida
Si no me miras, baby...
Mucho ya intenté por levantar la voz
Por despertar el interés vacío
Que te haga mío, baby...
Y sé que tal vez ese día
Nunca me sucederá...
Pero tú en mis sueños siempre has de estar
Como una luz que me ilumina
Y al despertar quiero volverlo a intentar
Sé que el corazón late más fuerte, más que un motor
Y aunque no sabes nada de mí
Un día te habré de alcanzar, amor.
Las quiero pedorrillas!!!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
What's up!

"Abre, abre grande..."
"Andale Lola, esque yo te amo"
"Si tan solo supieran wey, TODO LO QUE HEMOS HECHO"
"A ver, que andas balbuceando k'bron?!"
"Y antes que pase mas tiempo contigo amor, tengo que decir que eres el amor de mi vida..."
Getting ready for the big ones, meanwhile tooootally enjoy the season and the "hot" guys hihi.
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